And the answer is….
Do you shoot family photos?
Are you available across Italy and worldwide?
Is it true you can deliver everything within 2 months of the wedding?
Will it always be you showing up as the photographer?
And is it true that if I want a 2-meter, 50kg album, I can just go ahead and make it myself without running it by you?
Can we get smaller copies for the parents?
Can I get a private online gallery to download everything straight from home?
Do you arrange detail shots like an IKEA catalog, all lined up and perfect?
Will you create a trendy little wooden box with a USB stick and some wild moss decorations or other hipster trinkets?
Would you show up at my wedding in a suit, tie, and loafers?
Is it true I have to go through you to print anything, and pay a fortune for the privilege?
Can you fill in my receding hairline in Photoshop and maybe make me a curly blonde?
And is it true you vow to go on a forced fast at weddings, so I don’t even need to give you a crumb of bread?